Message from Jeanette: A Season for Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Next to the Fourth of July, this is truly one of my favorite holidays. I am excited to share with you today my gratitude for blessings I’ve received in both the past and the present.

At this season I am reminiscent of the way my family celebrated Thanksgiving when I was just a girl. I loved the fact that this holiday was so centered around food, and, boy, was this one meal that I could really look forward to: turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy! As a child I thought the excitement of the holiday lay in the delicious dishes placed before me, but as I grew older I came to realize that the real excitement was in the blessing of being with family.

Young Jeanette

I especially remember the good times that surrounded my wonderful Aunt Lola, who was always the life of the party. Her sense of humor had the rest of us rolling in our seats every Thanksgiving. She would tell story after story, making us laugh and laugh until our sides ached. At those Thanksgiving tables, surrounded by my mother and father, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins, I knew true happiness.

Those family-centered Thanksgivings are some of my fondest memories, and it’s now my privilege to be the one planning those parties for my own children and grandchildren. I have always loved to keep things simple, so I long ago established the tradition of having our Thanksgiving Day feast at a beautiful mountain resort instead of at home. With a fantastic menu from which we can eat all we want, plus the bonus of made-to-order goodies, the restaurant becomes the mouth-watering daydream of one and all during the days leading up to the holiday. My grandkids talk about it for weeks beforehand, repeatedly reviewing their anticipated menu choices. It’s a tradition we all cherish together!

This year I’ll be instigating another tradition for this special day. Using the gorgeous Picture My Life™ Avonlea cards, I’ll have each family member record what they’re thankful for. I’m going to compile their responses into our very own family gratitude mini album. I can’t wait to see the finished product!

On my own card I’ll be sure to add the names of each precious member of my family. I am so grateful to each one for their encouragement and love for me. They, more than anyone else, have been my ever-present strength. I cannot even hope to fully express how grateful I am for them.

I am also grateful today for those that have become my family—my Close To My Heart family! I extend a special thanks to my dear friends, Brian and Monica, who just also happen to be my Executive Team members. I am thankful to them for the support they are to me in every business venture we undertake.

Brian, Jeanette, and Monica

This year I have had many opportunities to mingle with the Consultants of this company, and for that I am extremely grateful. How I have loved being in your presence, hearing your stories, seeing your smiles, and feeling of your excitement. My relationship with you is what brings me the most joy in this business!

Consultants at Convention 2014

I express gratitude for the wonderful employees of Close To My Heart that work so hard to accomplish our company mission. Thank you for all your efforts this year.


I am mindful today, also, of the land I live in. I cherish the foundations that this land was built upon, and I am grateful for sacrifices made long ago by unselfish men and women. My own father was an Army man and I happily support those who continue to give everything to this country. I am grateful for people in every land who cherish the freedom of the human soul and give their lives to protect it.

I am grateful that I can worship as I please. I believe in a God in Heaven who watches down on all of us. I am grateful that He showers me with His love. I know He cares by the way He sends me loved ones—or even complete strangers—to reach out to me in my hours of need.

Year after year, I watch blessings being added to my trove, and today I thank you for what you have personally added to it. May you have a very happy Thanksgiving, and may it be an exciting beginning to a season devoted to looking outward to others.


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12 thoughts on “Message from Jeanette: A Season for Giving Thanks

  1. Jeanette, you are the inspiration to so many of us and I know we are so very thankful to have you as part of our own families! We celebrated Thanksgiving back in October here in Canada, but I want to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! I really want to see your album once it is done! What a great keepsake for everyone!

  2. As always, you are a MASTER at eloquently sharing your heart! I can hear your sweet voice as I read your words. I am so grateful for YOU, Jeanette, and the Close To My Heart family I have added to my blessings list! Wishing you and your family a fabulous feast at that mountain resort today! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Jeanette, thank you for following your dreams so the we, your extended family can share in all the blessings that Close To My Heart brings to our lives. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Jeanette, and to everyone in the CTMH family celebrating today! It is a blessing to belong to such a wonderful company – thank you for sharing your dream with all of us Jeanette.

  5. Thanksgiving is not a holiday here in Australia, but every day I reflect on the people and things in my life that I am grateful for.

    I am thankful for you, Jeanette, and Close To My Heart. Like so many others, I am so grateful that you listened to ‘our Brian’ and brought your beautiful company to Australia. I am thankful for the wonderful and giving network that is the global Close To My Heart family. You gave us the tools we needed to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin our trip along a new and very exciting path. For all of that, I shall be eternally grateful. Happy Thanksgiving xxx

  6. Even though we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia I would like to wish Jeanette and family also all out Close To My Heart family A very Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful to be a part of a wonderful company that has embraced us all with big open arms. Thankful that I can learn more and more each day from the wonderful team at CTMH and our great Australian Team and my wonderful leader and friend Katie Colla.
    Happy Thanksgiving America

  7. The moment I became a CTMH consultant I knew this company was different. I love the family feeling, the support, and helpful attitudes of everyone I have met. I do not have a huge sales record…but I love this company, products and people. Thanks Jeanette and Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I just received my new Consultant kit yesterday (the day before Thanksgiving)! So I’m thankful for being able to reconnect to a hobby I used to enjoy a few years ago and be able to share it with my family and friends. Thank you!

  9. Thank you, Jeanette for sharing your heart with us! We love you, pray for you and support you for your giving! My your family and health and our wonderful company of consultants continue to be “blessed beyond measure”.

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