“Mom, I made this for you!”

Isn’t it amazing what a child’s imagination can do, especially with a crayon in hand? From inventing new products and designing flying devices to fashioning outfits and painting magical landscapes, their little minds run at such wild speeds! And somehow, they innately know it’s important to tell stories through pictures and that these pictures are important because they give them to you for safe-keeping. Maybe kids understand our picture-taking, scrapbook-making minds more than we realize!

Rather than hanging children’s artwork on the fridge for a few months before throwing it away or storing it in that Rubbermaid—you know, the one that takes 10 minutes to get to in your storage closet that hosts report cards, old photos, etc.—why not preserve their artwork between the safe, clean pages of your scrapbook album? Take a look at this layout to see what we’re talking about:

How to incorporate children's artwork into scrapbooking CTMH

Our artist got it right—“Earth” without “art” really is just “eh!” Evie’s artwork really adds so much life to this layout. It’s art on top of art, which is amazing! To create this page, our artist scanned Evie’s artwork onto a computer, shrunk it to the size she wanted, and printed it. Then she matted the artwork just like she would a photograph—which makes perfect sense. A child’s artwork is just as revealing about their personality as a photograph!

To complement the rainbow on the left page, our artist decided to create a rainbow with cardstock for the background. There’s Sangria paper in the mix to give the pages some texture. The watercolor splatters at the ends of the cardstock play on the idea that the layout features artwork, and aren’t splatters characteristic of children? 🙂 These colorful elements mirror the colorful artwork and personality of sweet Evie.

How to incorporate children's artwork into scrapbooking CTMH

Try your hand out at scrapbooking children’s artwork. Just think how wonderful it will be when your children and grandchildren look through your scrapbooks and not only see pictures of themselves when they were young but also artwork they created and gave to you. They will love to see their creations, and they will appreciate you for valuing their artwork enough to give it the special treatment.

So grab the crayons, markers, paints, and get your children and grandchildren to start creating their masterpieces. When they’re done, you’ll know exactly how to preserve their ingenuity for years to come!


12″ x 12″ The Earth Without Art is Just Eh Layout
Make It from Your Heart™ Vol. 2: Pattern 4
B1484 My Acrylix® Jennifer’s Hand, D1555 My Acrylix® All the Details, X7199B Sangria Paper Packet, X5668 Honey Cardstock, X5764 Pear Cardstock, X5779 Poppy Cardstock, X5762 Lagoon Cardstock, X5929 Whisper Cardstock, 1385 White Daisy Cardstock, Z2652 Poppy Exclusive Inks™ Stamp Pad, Z2197 Pear Exclusive Inks™ Stamp Pad, Z2105 Black Exclusive Inks™ Stamp Pad, Z3095 Whisper Thick Twine, Z2012 Sequins Gold Assortment, Z3123 Enamel & Glitter Duos Green Triangles, Z3132 Watercolor Paints, Z3188 Paintbrush Set
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6 thoughts on ““Mom, I made this for you!”

  1. Brilliant! And nicely done. I sure wish CTMH would name the artists as so many other paper scrapping lines and Ikea does. I think they deserve to be named as much as Jeanette, Monica and the rest do. They deserve credit earned and it would tie us even closer to CTMH as family. We know they few make a stellar living with their art yet they inspire and enthuse us to our core. This post is a great example. Thanks.

  2. You can also take photos of the artwork and add them to your pages or smaller pieces can be used as elements on the page (just treat like any other item that isn’t acid free).

  3. Pingback: Stamp a Smile on a Child’s Face | Make It from Your Heart

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