Color Theory: Triadic Color Combinations

A triadic color scheme is a lot easier to understand than it may sound. Just like some of the other theories we’ve previously discussed on the blog, triadic color combinations make use of three colors. This time, instead of being next to or opposite each other, triadic colors are three colors that are equally spaced around the color wheel.

Color Theory: Split Complementary #ctmh #closetomyheart #color #theory #split #complementary #scheme #design #colorwheel #exclusive #palette #diy #easy #doityourself #combination #coordination #coordinate

If you aren’t sure if the colors you are choosing to work with are equally spaced, connect the three of them with a line—simply tracing them with your finger will do. If the shape you outline is a triangle with sides of equal length, then your colors are triadic.

Triadic Color Combinations #ctmh #closetomyheart #ctmhstargazer #stargazer #star #gazer #colortheory #color #theory #redyelloblue #red #yellow #blue #canary #cranberry #sapphire #scheme #combination #vivacious #bright #harmony #harmonious #balance #balanced

To make it even easier, there are only four triadic color combinations on your basic color wheel:

  1. Red, Yellow, Blue
  2. Red-orange, Yellow-green, Blue-violet
  3. Orange, Green, Violet
  4. Yellow-orange, Blue-green, Red-violet.

Once you’ve chosen one of these combinations, jump on the Close To My Heart color wheel and pick from the exclusive colors that fall into each category.

Color Theory: Split Complementary #ctmh #closetomyheart #color #theory #split #complementary #scheme #design #colorwheel #exclusive #palette #diy #easy #doityourself #combination #coordination #coordinate

(Download here.)

Another way to use this would be to start with a color you know you want to use, like Sapphire, and then draw a triangle to determine which other two colors to combine with it. Sapphire is in the blue zone, and we know from drawing a triangle (and from the list above) that yellow and red complete the color triad.

Triadic Color Combinations #ctmh #closetomyheart #triadic #color #combination #scheme #harmony #balance #redblueyellow #canary #cranberry #sapphire #layout #page #scrapbooking #scrapbook #boy #space #ctmhstargazer #star #gazer #stargazer #astronaut #space #colortheory

This layout makes use of the red, yellow, blue combination using Cranberry, Canary, and Sapphire. We used Sapphire heavily, as the main color, with Cranberry and Canary acting as accents.

While triadic color combinations do not achieve the same level of contrast as complementary colors, they do provide color variety that tends to look more balanced—making it a favorite among artists who love playing with color. Try out a triadic combination on your next project and let us know how it goes!


12″ x 12″ Alphabet Page
Z4157 Stargazer Cardmaking Stamp + Thin Cuts, D1757 My Acrylix® Stargazer—Scrapbooking Stamp Set, X7229B Stargazer Paper Packet, 1385 White Daisy Cardstock, X5982 Canary Cardstock, X5975 Cranberry Cardstock, X5955 Pebble Cardstock, X5957 Sapphire Cardstock, Z2816 Cranberry Exclusive Inks™ Stamp Pad, Z2832 Pewter Exclusive Inks™ Stamp Pad, Z2833 Pebble Exclusive Inks™ Stamp Pad, X7229C Stargazer Complements, Z4143 Stargazer Dots, Z4145 Light Grey Ribbon, Z3630 Watercolor Pencils, Z4575 Black LePen™, Z1297 Edge Distresser, Z2060 Thin 3-D Foam Tape, Z5038 Die-cutting & Embossing Machine, Cricut® Artistry Collection, Sewing Machine

Cricut® Shapes:

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10 thoughts on “Color Theory: Triadic Color Combinations

  1. Thank you soooo MUCH for the downloads of your color charts ….it is just so Helpful to have this info and especially see the CTMH paper on these charts. When I started scrapbooking, picking out the colored paper to use was a real ‘road block’ for me….With your paper collections and also seeing shared art work, it’s become easier, BUT I LOVE these Color Charts as I use them and they are super! Thanks Again!

  2. I’ve always known about the orange, green, violet combination and use it often. I never quite knew what the other combinations were though, so thank you for making it easy to understand. I love that you’ve put the CTMH colours on the wheel as well. Very helpful!

  3. Just love this tool. Are we able to purchase a hard copy of the colour wheel with the CTMH colours? Or as a supply item? I know my customers would be keen. We find the printing doesn’t do it justice.

  4. Pingback: Birthday Card with Triadic Colors! | Crafty Sisters Creations

  5. Pingback: For the Love of Color: A New Color Wheel! | Make It from Your Heart

  6. Pingback: Color Combinations with an Updated CTMH Color Wheel! | Make It from Your Heart

  7. Pingback: Colour Rules – George's Graphic Studio

  8. Pingback: Top 20 what are triadic colors -

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